• Click here to see the news link by WACH 57 in Columbia S.C 

        COLUMBIA, SC (WACH) -- After about 40 years, a Columbia mother and son have been reunited. “When I met her for the first time, just tears, overwhelming joy,” said Lee Hartwell. Hartwell was put up for adoption at birth in Charlotte, North Carolina. His mother, Diana Fletcher was just 17 years old. “At the time, I think I was just finishing up high school, no job, can barely take care of myself, so I just wanted him to have a better chance at life,” said Fletcher. Now 41 years old, Hartwell found out about his adoption at an early age. “’Well he looks just like his dad, you’d never know he was adopted.’ I overheard it when I was very young, so I’ve spent pretty much the last 20 or 30 years searching on and off with no real success,” said Hartwell. The Columbia man then turned to Ancestry DNA in the summer of 2019. Turns out, his family was living in the same town.

        • Click here to see the news link by KVUE ABC in Texas 

          Sister's brought together with the help of Birth Family Search, they reunited for the first time and the news KVUE was there to capture their moment. As one sister waited anxiously for the arrival of her younger sister hugs and happiness gave a hopeful future of whats to come.

        My birth mom and my little sisters❤ so much tears, laughs and the best part is when they asked to be active in our lives!

        Completely satisfied with the services. I would recommend to everybody..

        Completely satisfied! Cracked my family tree pretty quickly! Easy to work with, on top of everything! Simply amazing

        Helped me find a family member that I’ve been searching for, for about 20 years. She found more in hours than I had in decades. With the twists and turns she worked through, I’m convinced that I would have never found long lost family. a huge thank you to Leah & to Birth Family Search.

        After 42 years 10 months and 13 days a mother reunites with her son. Thanks to ancestry DNA and a search angel this family now can build a future with each other.

        Tea reunited with her Bio family in 2017, with a second cousin match through Ancestry DNA test. she went from being an only child to many half siblings.

        I would like to thank Leah for taking me under her wing and helping me with the search for my father. She is a very special lady that devotes so much of her time helping people like myself. I believe she has been given a gift to help others and she is putting it to great use! Not everyone would devote so much of their personal time to people she doesn’t even know to help them figure out who they are and find their biological families. I was so impressed with her work. I had worked on my DNA matches for about 9 or 10 months and wasn’t getting anywhere with it. Leah took over and within 7 days she knew the surname of my father. She has found who my father is… Hopefully my newfound 1st cousin and some other members of the family can encourage him to do a DNA test for me. I have came so far with everything and will really hate to see my search come to an end with him not testing for me. But even if he doesn’t I know who I am… Thank you so much Leah, You will never know how much what your help has meant to me and how much I appreciate you!! You are one awesome lady! I will recommend you and this group to anyone I see needing help. I hope soo I will be able to update the group with my results of my father testing. Fingers crossed..❤❤❤ Sheila Bowling

        I would absolutely recommend Birth Family Search. Leah worked with the information I had. Leah kept constant contact with me and gave lots of updates. Leah was able to work through my DNA matches and connect with them to get answers and to be put on the path that directed her to a biological aunt. She was amazing and worked some mega magic to get this done!

        I was hesitant to speak directly to the match and Leah offered instantly to help assist in an introduction. I also asked if she minded if I take a moment to speak with her, first. After all, this really only took less than 48 hours. For all of the information I had given to Leah and how comfortable she made me feel, I felt like I knew her. She was more than willing to accommodate and we spoke on the phone for almost an hour. She put my mind at ease and made things much easier for me to speak to the newly found member of my family.

        For the past week, I have spent numerous hours on the phone with and finally met for the first time my biological paternal aunt, and 2 of my 3 living cousins from her. She was able to give me lots of answers about my biological father who is since passed away. With Leah finding and placing me in-touch with my biological aunt, this also placed me in-touch with a half sister.

        Lastly, I encourage for as many people to do DNA testing and to encourage as many people as they can to do DNA testing as possible. While the heritage side is only as accurate as the database of the company being used, the relative matches are something that don’t change and the raw DNA can be uploaded to so many places that can help bridge gaps for connecting to relatives. Please be patient. While we call these special helpers “Search Angels” and they are every bit their title, they ARE human too. I am super thankful for my Search Angel, Leah.

        Literally the best service ever!! If you need help navigating ancestry.com and locating family members Birth Family Search will make sure it happens..

        I couldn’t have gotten where I am in my research without the help of my search angel, Leah! Would definitely recommend these services!

        Leah is amazing! My siblings and I now have the name of our biological paternal grandfather. Once we are all together we will decide how we move forward. Thank you so much for all that you have done and the doors you have opened!!!

        I’m so overwhelmed with love. I was adopted at 5 months old. The only thing I know about my birth parents was that my mother was very young when she had me and my father was in the service and knew nothing about me. My mother was sent to live with her grandmother till she had me I did AncestryDNA about a year ago. I found out that I have a biological sister. I saw a post where birth family search was asking if anyone was adopted or didn’t know one of their birth parents. I reached out and they found a brother without the dna test!! In the past few weeks I’ve found that I have 7 other siblings from the same father! We still trying to find my birth mother!

        I am so glad I came here for help. I tried using ancestry.com on my own twice, but I was so lost. I’m amazed at how much information I have now. Highly recommend.

        Thank you Leah Lee for helping me to not only to correct my Family Tree but you actually found my biological father! It’s truly amazing to see the puzzle come together. You’ve been a great help and support. You are truly professional and knowable at what you do! I also would like to thank those who assist you with information to further helping me in a long long journey in locating my father. I wish you much success in all that you do!

        I recommend for it’s high success rate of families being united.

        Hello, I’m so excited and thankful to Search Angel for everything especially Pauleta Davies!!!! I have been in contact with my daughters adoptive mom for the past few weeks, she has been very kind and gracious to me. But best of all my daughter sent me an email this morning saying she wants to meet and talk with me and she has always wondered about me… thank you Search Angel from the bottom of my heart ❤️

        Thanks to the Search angels, I found my biological mother through my Ancestry matches. There were some bumps and I wasn’t sure if I would ever find anything, but they were very dedicated. They really know what they’re doing.

        Thanks To Ancestry DNA & An Angel Named Leah Lee, This Happened!!! More Details To Come, Just Enjoying Getting To Know Everyone 😌

        I am pretty good at uncovering information online but when it came to finding my biological father, after running into dead end after dead end, I was very frustrated and discouraged and just not finding what I needed.

        I decided to make a post requesting help from a Search Angel. I did not really know what to expect. Quickly I was contacted by Leah. I gave her the information I knew and she impressed me with how diligently she went to work for me. She worked almost all day on my case being in frequent contact with me. She found many of my biological relatives on my fathers side. She shared their contact information with me and sent me links to their social media profiles. She went into Ancestry and cleaned up the family tree I had been trying to put together and completed it for me.

        She reached out to my fathers sister, and told her who she was and how she could be contacted. In a couple of hours, she messaged me that she was on the phone with my father!

        My father called me after Leah gave him my phone number. He was so full of love and I could tell he had been waiting for this call for so long.

        This day working with Leah was just magical. In a few hours she uncovered more than I had been able to in months of searching. She is a beautiful person and truly has a gift in finding and talking to people. Leah, I will always be so grateful to you!

        If you need help finding someone or just talkin about what you’re going through, they are there for you and listen and give you great advice. they helped me in a search faster than I could have ever did it myself and the advice that I received from them and other members as well was very helpful and I appreciate all their help

        I felt Birth Family Search was very thorough and responsive. Very helpful would be an understatement. I feel they went above and beyond the call of duty. I am very pleased with the service.

        There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude for the help the Birth Family Search – Search Angel has given. After searching my whole life, I really put the gas on my search these last two year knowing life is precious and we shouldn’t take any moments for granted. The last six months I keep getting met with road block after road block so I reached out for help. It was the BEST thing I could have done. We found my birth father alive and well. He lives about 10 mins from my home and had no idea I existed. We verified our relation with a paternity test and he says he wants to be in my family’s life. I wish everyone well on their search.

        I just want to thank search angel, Nikkie Maraman, for trying to help me confirm my possible BF by untangling the mess of dna matches where everyone is related to each other. She is awesome and spent a great deal of time on it. Thank you, Nikkie!

        Wanted to tell our Search Angel , Nikkie Maraman Thank You for helping us get on the right track. We have one of the tough ones and I was lost in a sea of surnames and secrets , almost giving up , but.. she has put a fresh new spin on how I research and helped me build a tree that will hopefully lead to a Bio Father Match. Thanks so much Nikkie!!❤️❤️🇺🇸

        Don’t give up. !! I wanna give a shout out to search angel, Nikkie Maraman. While we didn’t discover the person we were looking for – she DID redirect my efforts to a particular branch of my tree. This may sound a bit disheartening – truly it was not. She pieced together clues that I had overlooked and told me to narrow it down. Sometimes we get lost in the weeds and it takes a guiding hand to find the pathway back. Thank you so much! Best of luck to everyone.

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