Additional Resources

Adoptee Only Search

$0 One time
  • Basic 1 person adoptee search
  • Must have DNA on file
  • Must request non-Identifying info.
  • Must be willing to participate
  • Search for close relatives only
  • Build mirror tree based on matches
  • Full database search
  • USA Searches only


Basic Person Search

$35 One time
  • Must know name
  • possible date of birth
  • previous locations
  • possible family names
  • Some information to assist in search
  • 2-3 hour search
  • Non refundable fee
  • USA searches only


Upgrade package

Mid Level
$100 Per Month
  • Mid level search service
  • Fix and maintain family tree
  • Building a mirror tree
  • filtering DNA by maternal & paternal
  • Information contacts to close matches
  • Search full database
  • 2-4 hours per week
  • USA Searches only


Priority Package

$200 Per Month
  • Advanced Search
  • Fix and maintain family tree
  • Adding ancestor and records
  • Adding missing information
  • We contact close matches
  • Priority over all pending cases
  • 4-6 Hours a week
  • USA Searches only
  • Adding images and documents to trees for life time

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